November '23 edition


November '23 edition |

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“Not to Scare You but to Prepare You”

The headlines continue carrying gruesome images and disturbing headlines about Hamas, a terroristic group and government entity, that Israel currently engages in a war. Though happening primarily in Gaza, this war could easily modulate into a multi-front war.

As Americans, we might tend to interpret scripture through a lens of American exceptionalism. We sometimes see the American Church — her comfort, her missionary contributions — at the center of the long range plan of God. When we do so, we make a huge mistake. This current conflict in the Middle East highlights and should remind all of us: Israel, NOT the United States, serves as God’s “last days” time piece.

Daniel 9 prophetically unveiled how God determined 70 “weeks” on the people of Israel. Sixty nine have found fulfillment. The final “week of seven years” will begin, I believe, soon after Jesus operationalizes Paul’s declaration in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18.

As responsible stewards of the Word and of people’s time who come to hear our sermons, we should avoid sensationalizing our “last days” preaching. We must instead promote peace and preparedness. As we do so, God’s people will pick up biblical, culturally relevant talking points to assist their gospel witness as they navigate a worldly marketplace. They can point to Jesus and honestly say, “I’m not trying to scare you about the return of Jesus. I want to prepare you for this imminent, world-transforming event.”

Praying for the peace of Jerusalem,
Pastor Terry

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A Priceless Messianic Jewish Perspective

Fellow AGK pastors and friends,

Having been here in Kansas for over thirty years, I ask for an opportunity to share some thoughts and feelings as it relates to the current unimaginable events having occurred in Israel over this past week.

Being raised in a traditional Jewish home, I recall as a child attending Hebrew school. I was so moved and proud of our “dime saver.” This was a booklet that included a slot for dimes. Ten dimes, one dollar, eventuated in planting a well-needed tree in the nascent and newly declared State of Israel. I felt a part of a new hope for we Jews, post-holocaust. I was doing my part.

One additional story. My grandfather immigrated from Lithuania in 1908, escaping horrifying anti-Semitism under Tzarist Russia. Much could be said, but I recall a specific experience. I was just four years old when I watched my grandfather (Max Feldman), the leader of a multi-family Jewish organization (600 families) work tirelessly in the raising of funds to help the fledgling new State of Israel. His emphasis was on providing for those orphaned by the War of Independence in 1948 and the needs of those blinded.

He raised one and a half million dollars in 1953 (with interest and equivalency, $17,291,516.85 today)! He was never home.  Grandma and their three sons attended our small family storefront in Brooklyn, NY. Given his commitment to the survival of this newly born State of refuge for Jews, I barely remember seeing him but three treasured times in my young life. One of those was to watch him put on tefillin (phylacteries) and do his Hebrew morning prayers in the very small kitchenette in the back of the store. He died without a penny in the bank.

Loving the State of Israel, with this personal heritage, has been a deeply held and compelling part of my life, especially after my discovering the Messiah. Many of you know I have been to Israel 26 times! I have designed my tours to bring Christians into a shared recognition and importance of the Scriptures, the Land, and the People. It is our home!

Given the current events, I cannot find words, but rather share my feelings. I am grieving. I am immobilized. I am in turmoil and fear. I am in a valley of sorrow.  My wife is experiencing this likewise and is praying incessantly, having grown up within the Assemblies of God, and having given the bulk of her life for “Zion’s Sake”!

Of course, what else can anyone with a conscience do but grieve given the events of last Saturday, the massacre of 1300 Jews, sleeping in their beds, preparing for Sabbath morning prayers and the Eighth day of the Biblical observance of Sukkot (Tabernacles, the “Festival of Joy”), babies slaughtered and hundreds of young adults at a “peace” concert on the northern edge of the Negev desert, now a killing field. Motorcycling Hamas terrorists with machine guns indiscriminately slaughtering these kids without mercy. Monstrous!

I am more than equipped and informed about the geopolitical and fanatic Islamic dynamics that have brought us to this day. I can explain and teach for hours the history that has led up to this. For 12 years I broadcast a radio program in Kansas City called “For Zion’s Sake,” a call-in program speaking to these realities. A primary topic was to explain the realities of Fanatic Islam and their goals.

Nine days before September 11, 2001, addressing my “silent” audience (no one was calling). “Hello? While you are manicuring your front lawns on this sunny Sunday afternoon and building your new found opportunity to build bigger and better worship centers? There is going to be a fanatic Islamic attack on America seeking to destroy our economy and society as we know it.” Soon after that I indicated that there were already many intentional terrorists crossing our southern border and setting up terror cells in the US. I suggested the unthinkable! The next major terror event after 9/11 would come in the form of 37 simultaneous individual terrorist events of Americans being mowed down in Malls, sports events, entertainment events, and alike— Just like what happened to the 22 separate incursions of military jihadists that hit the many communities in the land of Israel that were overrun by untold and horrific slaughtering of everyday people, including children and babies.

I say this not as a fear monger, soothsayer, or do I dare say, prophet. But when tens of thousands of Hamas controlled territories teach their children EVERY day in their schools that the world is not complete until every Jew is butchered, what do you expect.

So now what? We need to speak with clarity, and “not be silent for Zion’s Sake” (Is. 62:1).

Firstly, what Israel is doing is not revenge. It is about survival and putting an end to those who seek their end. Secondly, Israel is not acting against Palestinians (a propaganda nightmare), but in need of dismantling and putting an end to Hamas. Israel cannot any longer live with periodic indiscriminate missile attacks, just three miles from dozens of Israeli communities. Thirdly, Israel is solving a problem for two million Palestinians; namely oppressive, terrorist leadership that imprisons, murders, tortures, and hangs their own Palestinian people every day of the week. Call what Israel is doing by entering perilously into Gaza as liberating it!

This is not about rage or hateful acts against the Palestinian people. No, this is no different than the ultimate need for Normandy Beach and the pursuit of the end of the Third Reich. Hamas is a Hitleristic self-declared rogue nation of Jihadists whose primary reason for existence is the extinction of Jews. Oh, by the way, after that it will be the Christians. It is in their charter and in the Hadith (a secondary authoritative text in Islam) that says first the Saturday people and then the Sunday people.

This is no time for hate. This is no time for revenge. This is a time to grieve, yes. This is a time for peace! Let us “pray for the peace of Jerusalem”. I also see that text as a prayer for the peace of the whole world.

The State of Israel did not ever want to be in this position. Justice is foundational to peace. They alone have now been put in the position to mediate justice for the sake of peace. I grieve for all victims, Palestinians and Israelis alike. I do not grieve for Hamas, except for their being victimized by lies and blind hatred. May the God of Israel and the Messiah of Israel, the Prince of Peace, deliver them and reveal Himself to them as individuals. May it be so. Otherwise, putting an end to evil to secure peace, is it not Biblical?

I know this characterization can raise ire and offence. Know that I consider myself in this together with all of you. So let us trust and love one another. I am open to discussing this further with those of other perspectives and voices. In Messiah, we seek His help in bringing truth and peace and justice to be the true equalizer for mutual life together in a world of hate, injustice, and terror.

Finally, please pray for the safety of our community in Overland Park. We have been targeted by gunfire in the past just for having an Israeli guest speaker.

-Messianic Rabbi Jerry Feldman


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Credential Application Deadline

Our next Credential Interview date is February 4, 2024.  If you want to interview on this date, the application deadline is December 1, 2023. Therefore, please contact our office at to take this important step in fulfilling God’s call on your life to ministry leadership.

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Remember INTERMISSION – 2023!

Karen and I enjoy the moments when the AGK credentialed family gets together. We miss those who cannot attend “family gatherings” like INTERMISSION – 2023, so whether you attended or had to miss, we hope the following recap will encourage your spirit.

Our special guests Pastors Destiny and Philip Deas, plus EMERGE president, Dr. Bob Crosby, absolutely poured out verbal gold as they delivered their four messages. (CLICK HERE for messages. ) In addition, we experienced riveting sessions of worship. Worship Pastor Lance Stafford and the Rock Hills Church team led us to the life-giving, joy-restoring, hope-establishing, rejuvenating presence of Jesus! (CLICK HERE for playlist.)

We laughed at the antics of dozens of participants as they tried to win one of the many great prizes. (Thank you, Evangel University, for supplying the prizes. Thank you, Prize Emcees, for creative distribution!)

The largest INTERMISSION registration in a quarter century converged on Rock Hills Church, located in “the little apple” – Manhattan! (The attendance may have jumped due to the generous “registration reduction” by our long-time ministry partner, Convoy of Hope!) That great crowd enjoyed two excellent meals under the big tent: the biggest pizza party EVER and a Mexican feast! (Thank you, Fire Bible, and AGK Illuminate Fireworks!)

Several pastors and staff members from across the AGK commented about so many leaders connecting deeply with one another during “Life in The Lobby.” Those connections hold matchless potential for sustaining one another! (The delicious “pass-arounds” in the Lobby sessions came courtesy of Pastor Brad & Denise Wicks and a team from New Hope Church in Marysville. Delicious!)

Troy and Lacey Hartman, pastors of our host site, their staff and people all served tirelessly to make our time there comfortable and fun. The AGK team exemplified and embodied excellent, joyful servanthood. We appreciate all these servant-hearted women and men for their labors of love – as unto the Lord AND toward you, our AGK Family!

This rendition of INTERMISSION marked the last such gathering Karen and I will have the honor, joy, and responsibility to organize, plan, and lead. We enjoyed every moment. We enjoyed every conversation. We enjoyed every glimpse of leaders connecting with other leaders. Thank you for making our last INTERMISSION so memorable and special.

Finally, we pray you will take to heart – until Jesus returns – the blessing and necessity of “an intentional pause” – on a regular basis. Rest doesn’t equate to a luxurious indulgence. Rest reflects trust in our God to restore our energy and refresh our focus. Taking a regular pause shows we believe ultimate results depend on Him and His strength more than on us and our strength. Not our might, but by His Spirit, we will make Kansas an easy place to experience the presence and forgiveness of Jesus!

We will long remember INTERMISSION – 2023 and hope you will as well!

-Supt. Terry & Karen Yancey

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AGKSOM 2024 Class Schedule

Find the 2024 class schedule for AGK School of Ministry (AGKSOM) online at  The schedule promises another great year of spiritual growth and leadership training for Kansans.

AGKSOM offers three levels of study corresponding to the three levels of credentialing recognition within the Assemblies of God— Certified (Level 1), Licensed (Level 2), and Ordained (Level 3) but gaining credentials requires a separate process after complete a level.

Each level of studies involves 10 classes taken over the course of a year.  Additionally, we offer a Certificate of Practical Ministry and a Certificate of Biblical Studies.

While AGKSOM is designed to help students meet the educational requirements for credentials, we welcome EVERYONE to enroll and build their understanding of Christian faith.  Through AGKSOM, students develop their understanding of Scripture while building the character and skills essential for effective ministry at their local church.  AGKSOM is remarkably affordable!  Classes cost only $65 each.  The student carries responsibility for textbooks, food, lodging and travel costs.

For more information or to register for January’s class, visit our home page at

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Thank You Kansas!  We are celebrating all God did during the 2023 Kansas Light for the Lost tour.  We received $100,000 in faith promises that will help provide our Kansas Missionaries and Mission Partners (Fire Bible, Convoy of Hope, Global University, Network 211 and many others) with evangelistic resources.  If you missed one of our LFTL events you can still help provide evangelistic resources to reach the lost.  Use this link to help

LFTL is celebrating 70 years of providing evangelistic resources. To date, LFTL has provided almost $350 million funds invested in world evangelism.


Rick Allen National LFTL Director shared: Missionaries in scores of countries are waiting for their evangelism funding requests to be fulfilled by Light for the Lost.

What you do in these last three months of 2023 matters a great deal to them. We want to answer and fulfill as many missionary requests as possible, and we believe that you will help us come through for them. 

Why? Because, like you, We Still Believe in our mandate to tell every person on earth about Jesus Christ. Light for the Lost is doubling down on our original missions mandate to resource missionaries for evangelism through our new year-end campaign, We Still Believe.

With your partnership, we believe God will provide $5 million before the year ends so we can fund as many missionary requests as possible. There are so many amazing opportunities to help tell others about Jesus. I wish we could tell you about each one.

Light for the Lost helps share the gospel worldwide--no matter the language, culture or location--by providing critically-needed evangelism resources such as:

  • Printed literature, Bibles, and tracts

  • Audio devices and language-specific programs

  • Video presentations, programs, and films

  • Internet-based and -compatible technologies

  • Apps created in local heart languages

Celebrating our 70th Anniversary
Light for the Lost (LFTL) began in 1953 when a businessman named Sam Cochran had a terrifying vision. While in prayer, he saw a multitude of people representing every nation and language reaching upward towards heaven. A great hand, holding a Bible, extended down towards them. The people cried out, "GIVE US THE BOOK!" But suddenly, a door opened beneath them and they fell screaming into hell having never heard the gospel. Afterwards, Sam Cochran rallied men to help raise funds to provide evangelism resources for missionaries reaching the lost overseas.

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Credential Renewal Site Open

Even though you technically have until Sunday, December 31, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. (Central Time) to renew your credentials, the online renewal system will actually go live on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, at You will be given the opportunity to pay your national dues online during the renewal process. Newer users may want to renew early in case assistance is needed. The online renewal submission will require payment of your 2023 national dues if you have not already paid them.

If you prefer renewing by hard copy, those forms will be mailed (except to AGWM missionaries and those who have opted out of a mailed renewal form) by mid-November. Particularly if you use your credential card for ministry access, we recommend you renew online November 1 for the best chance to receive your new card quickly. For more information, email. As a reminder, beyond your tithe obligations to the AGK, national office annual dues are: Ordained — $300; Licensed —$240; Certified — $120

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KidCon23 was AWESOME! We played, had a silent disco, ate sugar, and stayed up way too late!
Most of all, God changed lives! Our speaker, Liz Hoffman, shared a fun and timely message of how we’re all Called and Made For This, no matter what our age. We are celebrating with several children who feel they are called to ministry.  We are continuing to equip leaders with resources for how to guide kids into their callings.
October is also the start of a new JBQ season. We have had several new teams sign up and are excited to see kids continue to hide God’s word in their hearts. 
It truly is a special time for the AGK Kid Min as we watch the next generation growing in faith and expectation for the things of God. 


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Thank you Marc and Aimee Marcelo

We are so grateful that Marc and Aimee Marcelo have faithfully led our AGK Kid Min Department for the last three years. Under their leadership, kids have been challenged to go deeper in their faith and kids pastors have been loved, encouraged, and empowered to lead the next generation. They have also built an incredible team of people who have helped to grow this valuable ministry area. One of those team members is Jenna Tuck. Jenna served as the kids pastor at Topeka First for eight years and as the AGK BGMC Coordinator for the last three years. During her time as BGMC coordinator, she has helped to break the Kansas BGMC giving record twice! She has a huge heart for equipping the next generation to be all God wants them to be and to help train and encourage our AGK kids pastors. We are excited to announce that Marc and Aimee have passed the baton to Jenna at this year's Kids Con. Please help us thank them for their investment and welcome Jenna to our AGK Ministries team! We are grateful for all God's done in the past and are looking expectantly to the future to see what he will do next. May it be more than we could ask or imagine! (Eph. 3:20-21)

-Rev. Hannah Peoples

Welcome Jenna Tuck

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The Warrior's Journey was founded in 2015 with the goal of healing the invisible wounds of US military members, veterans, and their families. Working in tandem with the Pentagon and Harvard School of Business, TWJ conducted empirical research to identify the top 12 unique challenges faced by warriors and their families. Based on this data, TWJ developed resources and services, including the "Warrior to Warrior" platform, which provides a confidential environment for the military and veteran community to find hope and healing. To date, this platform, along with the preventative and intervention work provided by TWJ, has assisted over 2 million warriors and their families.

Over 15,000 military personnel and veterans have used TWJ's direct services and case management system. Unfortunately, the military creates unique challenges that most people do not recognize, leading to invisible wounds such as isolation, addiction, and suicide. TWJ is dedicated to raising awareness and creating preventative resources to help heal these wounds. The organization has built a team of veterans and partner organizations to address these challenges. Their warrior-to-warrior approach to intervention is confidential and focuses on navigating a positive way forward and exploring the available help and resources provided by their 70+ partner organizations.

TWJ's warrior connectors are veterans themselves, providing a trusted environment for their clients to move forward. A new training center will allow TWJ to scale the success of their programs and provide a face-to-face location for their warrior-to-warrior experience, which has seen unprecedented success. The center will allow this platform to scale exponentially.

The transition to civilian life is a significant challenge for most warriors. This transition includes logistics such as relocation, family life, and finances, but also challenges related to identity, value, purpose, community, and an ongoing mission outside of military life. TWJ offers transitional support for warriors as they search for a better future for themselves, their families, and their communities. The TWJ Training Center will provide a new platform to help educate and prepare our warriors for their time in the military, provide services and resources while serving, and offer ongoing support as they transition to civilian life. The center will serve as a hub for training, education, and ongoing support.

The new Veteran Resource Center will allow TWJ to expand existing services and develop new in-person workshops, coaching programs, transitional services, and an in-person crisis center where warriors and their families can find support as they navigate the challenges of PTSD and Moral Injuries. The center will have a local and national impact, allowing TWJ to invite veterans nationwide to participate. The space will be essential to TWJ's continued growth and expansion of services and resources. To date, they have facilitated over 15,000 warrior-to-warrior case management relationships and provided ongoing support to 5,122 warriors.

The new TWJ Veteran Resource Center will provide warriors and their families with access to career development resources, personal and leadership coaching, family deployment and reintegration support, suicide prevention initiatives, and one-on-one engagements.


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Last May, the AGK network council paved the way for a “significant death benefit” to be made available to a minister’s family in the event of the death of an AGK credential holder or spouse.  By early November, you should receive an email providing all necessary enrollment information for your free coverage!

·       Simply by having a “Ministers Benefit Association” (MBA) retirement account with AG Financial Services, you and your spouse will qualify for up to $10,000 in death benefit coverage.
·       Additional coverage can also be purchased at significant savings whether you are an MBA account holder or not.

If you’re not yet an MBA account holder, open your account for free using this link:
For credential holders, the AGK makes a deposit equal to 5% of the minister’s tithe contribution once a year.  Between this and the death benefit coverage coming soon, you’ve every reason to open your free account today!

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3,200 children are removed from their homes in KS every year and placed in the foster care system.  Our state is facing a crisis, as is the rest of our country.  Each time a child is removed, trauma increases.  There are many aspects of foster care that are beyond our immediate reach, but it is imperative for the church to take action. 

On an average day, nine children will be handed a trash bag to pack their things before they say goodbye to their family, not knowing where they will go.  A trash bag.  On a day when their world is breaking, with fear and anxiety in their hearts, a trash bag will hold all the items they get to take with them.  It is easy and it is simple, but it has poorly served a need, communicating to children they have no value.  It’s a small but important detail of a terrible day.  As a society, we have overlooked our most vulnerable children.  It is time to communicate comfort and value to children whose lives have been impacted by the foster care system.

Huggage is a new program being launched under Hope Fostered.  It is an easy, practical way the Church can extend a hand of comfort to the children when they are facing removal from their homes.  It begins with a canvas laundry bag to take the place of the trash bag.  A laundry bag is an inexpensive item that carries its value.  It does not easily break or rip.  It can securely hold more items.  Beyond that, Huggage provides a backpack filled with sensory and comforting items, including bandaids, fuzzy socks, a toothbrush, and Bible.  Children who have been determined to need a foster placement will receive this backpack to help provide for their emotional, physical, and spiritual needs and to know there are people who have not forgotten them.  Through Huggage, the Church brings comfort in distress.

For More information please contact Jason and his team at

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