Where Does it Go?   

BGMC is touching every area of the world by supplying our missionaries with the supplies and tools they need to reach out to the lost through evangelism and discipleship. Missionaries desperately need to purchase supplies such as Bibles, tracts, Sunday School literature, library books and study books for the Bible colleges, computers, printers, photocopy machines, video DVDs, puppets, costume animals, translating materials into various languages, sound systems, and lots more. Many of these supplies could not be purchased if it were not for BGMC. BGMC is the ministry that provides whatever a missionary needs—where they need it and when they need it. It's like an emergency "ready" fund. This fund is quick, it's instant, and it helps them when they need it. Many missionaries would be at a loss without BGMC. 

•Water wells •Sunday school shelters •Tabernacles •Generators and solar-powered digital Bibles •Buildings, equipment and supplies for children's homes at home and abroad •Sunday School curricula translation •Tents for evangelism •Evangelistic materials •Children's school facilities and resources •Drug free school assembly kits and outreach materials •Drug free and HIV AIDS free prevention resources to help children •Radio, TV, and video series •After-school programs for needy children •Shelters for homeless children •Devotional books •ICI correspondence courses •Outreach literature •Radios and radio towers •Girls Ministries and Royal Rangers supplies for foreign missionary outreaches •School books and supplies •Teen Challenge materials •Worship music 

The list goes on and on of how you and others have helped reach the world's children for Jesus!