Applicants for ministerial credentials with the Assemblies of God must be saved (new birth, born again), baptized in water and in the Holy Spirit (with evidence of speaking in other tongues).
All applicants must state a willingness to abstain from using tobacco, alcohol, illegal or recreational drugs in any form, and involvement with pornography or gambling, and criminal activity.
While history with divorce and remarriage does not automatically disqualify you from credentialing, it can in certain cases. Please contact the Network Secretary’s office prior to starting the credentialing process for further clarification. Email: credentials@agkansas.com Call: 316.945.8999
Course requirements and scholastic qualifications vary depending on your educational institution. Please review the specifics shown below before submitting an application.
If you have ever filed for bankruptcy, please request a Bankruptcy Questionnaire by contacting credentials@agkansas.com. Call: 316.945.8999

four ways to
NOTE: Before applying for credentials, please contact your school and provide a transcript to the AGK Ministry Credentials Secretary for review.
The educational requirements can be completed at the AGK School of Ministry. The AGK School of Ministry (AGKSOM) offers all the academic requirements for each level of credentialing: Certificate of Ministry, License to Preach, and Ordination. In addition, AGKSOM courses are transferable to Southwestern Assemblies of God University and Global University. For more information or to enroll, visit the AGKSOM website HERE.
Educational requirements can be completed online through Global University ( a full accredited university) or the Berean School of Ministry. Berean courses are institute level courses offered through Global University. Global University also offers accredited undergraduate degrees. Visit Global HERE.
The educational requirements can be completed at an Assemblies of God college or university.
Students with a Bible, Theology, or Ministry major at any Assemblies of God college or university are eligible to apply for a credential by completing:
Core of 24 Bible/Theology Credits
Total of 48 credits for certificate
Total of 72 credits for license
Total of 96 credits for ordination
The educational requirements can be completed at a non-Assemblies of God college or university.
A degree from a Bible college, university, or seminary not affiliated with the Assemblies of God is acceptable provided the transcripts are available and follow the equivalent credit guidelines listed above. In addition, the applicant must complete the following courses available through AGKSOM or Global University:
THE142 Assemblies of God History, Missions, and Governance
MIN171 A Spirit-Empowered Church: an Acts 2 Ministry Model through Global University
Learn about other Kansas based ministry training education options like SAGU Wichita and Full Circle HERE.

Looking for more info? Connect with the Network Secretary's Office