Becoming a credentialed minister means more than just gaining a title or joining an organization. Receiving credentials means the people of God recognize the call you’ve experienced. You gain a Network family where you’ll find visionary inspiration, practical application, and the relational support of peers and leaders alike. Becoming an AGK credential holder marks a significant and meaningful step forward on your God-given journey. Join with us in making Kansas the easiest place for people to experience the presence and forgiveness of Jesus.

review the prerequisites for pursuing credentials
learn details about the first step to credentials
begin the process for
first-time credentials
see local and virtual options to complete required courses
follow God’s call to the next level of credentials
transfer into the AGK or move to a new district
renew existing credentials annually here
start here if your credentials have lapsed

Official Application
Background Check Disclosure Form
Notarized Information Authorization and Release Forms
A copy of Your Social Security card
A copy of your Driver’s License
Official Application
Background Check Disclosure Form
Notarized Information Authorization and Release Forms
A copy of Your Social Security card
A copy of your Driver’s License
Call to Ministry Assessment
Personal Ministry Inventory
Personal Testimony
Please email your complete application to Melanie Robison (credentials@agkansas.com).
The application fee for any level of credential (Certificate of Ministry, License, Ordination) is $100. You can submit your application fee HERE.
The reinstatement fee for all credential levels (Certificate of Ministry, License, Ordination) is a TOTAL of $100. Please submit two separate checks with your application, $50 payable to the AGK Ministry Network and $50 payable to the General Council.
Credential interviews are hosted quarterly at the AGK Network Office. Scheduled dates for the current year are available to view HERE on the AGK official calendar.
Following the receipt and processing of your credential application, you will receive notification of an exam date, location, and time. View required exams HERE.
Your annual credential renewal is due NO LATER THAN December 31 of the current year. This is independent of when you may have received your credentials in a calendar year. Renewal season begins November 1 each year.
Applicants for ministerial credentials with the Assemblies of God must be saved (new birth, born again), baptized in water and in the Holy Spirit (with evidence of speaking in other tongues).
Look HERE to view a complete overview of educational requirements for credentials in Kansas.
All applicants must state a willingness to abstain from using tobacco, alcohol, illegal or recreational drugs in any form, and involvement with pornography or gambling, and criminal activity.
If you have ever filed for bankruptcy, please contact Melanie Robison (credentials@agkansas.com) to request the Bankruptcy Questionnaire.
While history with divorce and remarriage does not automatically disqualify you from credentialing, it can in certain cases. Please contact the Network Secretary’s office prior to starting the credentialing process for further clarification.
Still have questions? Email us here!

Looking for more info? Connect with the Network Secretary's Office