CMC has been rescheduled for August 12-13

Questions? Connect with our team, 316-945-8999 or





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We hope every credential holder, spouse, staff member, and volunteer will take advantage of this wonderful experience we call Church Ministries Conference!

This year at CMC we will have training from more than 30 speakers in local and national leadership. Our focus on the eight essentials of making disciples will enhance our current efforts to strengthen leaders in their “disciple-maker” efforts.

Pastor Terry & Karen Yancey

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8 essentials of discipleship


disciples who crave a working knowledge of Scripture and consistently use the Word as their life filter.

disciples who regularly experience the activity of the Spirit and His gifts, leading and serving with clear dependence on the Holy Spirit.

disciples with hearts eager and able to notice and reach lost people.

disciples who pray with consistency, faith, insight, and results. 

disciples who intentionally and gratefully offer every moment back to God.

disciples who are moved by the needs of others to consistently express the love of Christ in tangible ways.

disciples who give freely of their capacities, finances, and time.

disciples who embrace a genuine life structured around transparent connections with others in the church.



FRIDAY, aug 12

5:00pm registration & info center open
6:30pm orientation & worship | terry yancey & blc worship
7:00pm plenary session 1 | rick dubose | BIBLE engagement
7:45pm plenary session 2 | carolyn tennant | SPIRIT empowerment
8:25pm spirit interaction - a ministry practicum
9:05pm ministry breakouts | various speakers
BIBLE engagement & SPIRIT empowerment
9:55pm dismissal

saturday, aug 13

7:30am registration & info center open
8:30am plenary session 3 | various speakers
MISSION focus, effective PRAYER, & comprehensive WORSHIP
9:40am ministry breakouts
MISSION focus, effective PRAYER, & comprehensive WORSHIP
10:40am plenary session 4 | various speakers
compassionate SERVICE, contagious GENEROSITY,
& accountable RELATIONSHIPS
11:50am ministry breakouts | various speakers
compassionate SERVICE, contagious GENEROSITY,
& accountable RELATIONSHIPS
1:00pm dismissal 



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rick serves as the assistant general superintendent of the Assemblies of God. in this capacity, he oversees the foundational essential of discipleship - bible engagement! under his leadership, the AG is forging ground-breaking technology and delivery systems so that all ages in the church may develop around the Word. he and his team have provided excellent tools to erase the plague of biblical illiteracy. rick is the co-author of “The Church That Works.” he and his wife, rita, have three adult children and eight grandsons.

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now-july 29 — $75
at the door — $95

included with your registration:
four plenary sessions // three ministry breakouts // training from 18 local, regional, and national speakers // snacks & beverages // ample resources, encouragement & inspiration // surprises!



BLC, Wichita

3777 s meridian avenue





what to expect


all sessions at CMC22 will emphasize the eight essentials of discipleship

together, we will set time aside to hear from The Spirit

following each plenary session focused on specific essentials, you will have the opportunity to attend a ministry breakout that offers real-time applications as it pertains to adults, youth, or children’s ministries

through the plenary sessions and three ministry breakouts you will hear directly from 18 local, regional, and national speakers

conversation stations for each essential will be available throughout the event - where you can connect with various speakers




Plenary session speakers

    • EVENT HOST | dr. terry yancey | AGK superintendent

    • BIBLE ENGAGEMENT | rick dubose | AG assistant general superintendent

    • SPIRIT EMPOWERMENT | carolyn tennant

    • MISSION FOCUSED | dena norvell | staff pastor | the hub, independence

    • EFFECTIVE PRAYER | steven bishop | lead pastor | generations church, andover

    • COMPREHENSIVE WORSHIP | dr. kent duncan | AGK Executive Treasurer

    • COMPASSIONATE SERVICE | lacey hartman | co-pastor | rock hills, manhattan

    • CONTAGIOUS GENEROSITY | brad wicks | lead pastor | marysville christian fellowship

    • ACOUNTABLE RELATIONSHIPS | karen yancey | AGK network development director


    • BIBLE ENGAGEMENT | cameron combs | associate pastor | colonial heights, wichita


    • BIBLE ENGAGEMENT | jenna tuck | AGK BGMC coordinator , wichita

    • SPIRIT EMPOWERMENT | gail starnes | children’s pastor | blc, wichita

    • BIBLE ENGAGEMENT | emily oakley | founder rebirth ministries | wichita


MINISTRY BREAKOUT 2 | saturday, AUG 13

    • MISSION FOCUS | tba

    • EFFECTIVE PRAYER | ryan wheeler | lead pastor | living word, chanute

    • COMPREHENSIVE WORSHIP | nathan cook | lead pastor | gracepointe, winfield

    • MISSION FOCUS | cody bernsten | children’s pastor | new beginnings, liberal

    • EFFECTIVE PRAYER | mary bell | AGK girls ministries coordinator | first ag, baxter springs


    • MISSION FOCUS | cam perkins | associate pastor | mission hill church, topeka

    • EFFECTIVE PRAYER | melissa rojewski | youth pastor | blc, wichita

    • COMPREHENSIVE WORSHIP | ryan witzke | youth pastor | first ag, garden city

ministry breakout 3 | saturday, AUG 13


    • CONTAGIOUS GENEROSITY | jerod yancey | lead pastor | hope anthem, ottawa

    • ACCOUNTABLE RELATIONSHIPS | ray pile | rural compassion - AGK us missionary | el dorado

    • COMPASSIONATE SERVICE | jason geesaman | hope fostered- AGK us missionary

    • CONTAGIOUS GENEROSITY | stacey upton | AGK girls ministries team

    • ACCOUNTABLE RELATIONSHIPS | makalah siu | children’s pastor | oswego ag

    • COMPASSIONATE SERVICE | jon rojewski | youth pastor | blc, wichita

    • CONTAGIOUS GENEROSITY | hannah peoples | co-pastor | mission hill church, topeka

    • ACCOUNTABLE RELATIONSHIPS | mackenzie witzke | youth pastor | first ag, garden city