what to expect

what to expect

If you are seeing this, you have have met the qualifications in the AGK Bylaws for the office of Regional Presbyter. This role is both a privilege and a sacred responsibility within the AGK. Please review the Job Description below.

If you wish to REMOVE your name from consideration, please contact the Network office before Wednesday, February 12. In the absence of any communication from you, we will presume your willingness to service if nominated and elected.

Leaning In,
Supt. Nathan Sheridan


  • (Refer to the AGK Constitution and Bylaws for more detailed information.)

    Executive Team (also serves as the Board of Trustees):

    • Conducts necessary business under the direction of the superintendent in between Network Board Meetings.

    • Comprised of three members consisting of:

      • Superintendent, Nathan Sheridan

      • Assistant Superintendent, Ryan Wheeler

      • Secretary/Treasurer, Kent Duncan Network Board:

    • Conducts necessary business when the Network Council is not in session.

    • Ratifies actions of the Executive team.

    • It comprises fifteen members, including the Executive team (3) and presbyters (12).

    Network Council:

    • Credentialed AG ministers in the Kansas Ministry Network.

    • Conduct the business of the Network once a year at the Council gathering and any other specially called sessions.

    Network Office Staff, Directors, and Coordinators

    • Appointed by the Superintendent

    • Understanding the high calling of being a spiritual elder for the entire Kansas Network.

    • A vibrant and growing walk with Jesus that can be a model for others.

    • Familiarity with the AGK Network Constitution, Bylaws, and the AGK Policy and Procedure Manual.

    • Attendance and participation at quarterly Network Board meetings.

    • Oversight and support of Network Affiliated Pastors in your region (see the NAC Info Sheet).

    • Relational investment in area pastors.

    • Willingness to assist the Superintendent in matters of local church conflict mediation.

    • 100% commitment to:

      • Personal integrity.

      • Confidentiality.

      • Avoiding conflicts of interest.

      • Unity and loyalty.

      • Consistent prayer for the AGK Network (Executives, other board members, ministers, and churches).

    • TIME

      • Attendance at quarterly Network Board Meetings: 1-2 days per quarter.

      • Intentional effort to fulfill other responsibilities: 1-3 hours per week.

    • MONEY

      • The Network Office will reimburse for expenses incurred.

    • ENERGY

      • The spiritual leadership of the Network will come with a weight that requires adjustment.

    • When God calls, He equips. As you fulfill your duties while walking closely with Him, He will…

      • Increase your leadership capacity and productivity while keeping your life in a healthy balance.

      • Increase the level of your spiritual anointing to meet the demands of this position.

      • Grow and sharpen you through the time you spend among high-level leaders in the AGK.

  • Article III. Duties of Leaders.

    - Section 4. Board of Directors

    A. To have the general oversight of the activities of the Network during interim between Council sessions.

    B. To act for the Network in all emergency matters that affect its interests and to execute its decisions.

    C. To arrange for its own meetings, a minimum of one per quarter. All decisions made in those meetings shall be final unless

    reversed by the Council in session.

    D. To take the necessary legal steps in the transfer of church property, title, and monies to the Kansas Network Council of

    the Assemblies of God Inc., (AGK) under the following provisions, when it does not infringe on the self-governance of the

    local church:

    1. In the event the church property should cease to be used as an Assemblies of God church.

    2. In the event said congregation should sever its affiliation with the Kansas Network Council of the Assemblies of God

    Inc., (AGK) or the General Council of the Assemblies of God Inc.

    3. When a church has ceased to operate as a local assembly.

    4. When a church has solicited and collected money in the name of the Assemblies of God, local, Network or


    E. To serve as the Network Credentials Committee in the recommending of credentials, administering discipline and

    reviewing applications for reinstatement and renewal of ministerial credentials.

    F. To set the salary and remuneration of all Network employees.

    G. To supervise the distribution of funds in consultation with the department director or leader in charge of the activity for

    which the fund is used.

    H. To ratify the following:

    1. The establishment of any or all departments or initiatives proposed by the Network Superintendent.

    2. All department directors or ministry coordinators appointed by the Network Superintendent.

    I. Division of Primary Responsibilities of Board Members

    1. State-wide Level

    a. Advance the AGK purpose to strengthen and establish effective Pentecostal leaders and churches.

    b. Advance the mission of the AGK which is to promulgate the full gospel message throughout Kansas, the region

    and the world, and to conserve our work through elevating the pursuit of health within established AGK


    c. Provide advice and input to the Superintendent and full Board of Directors regarding the appointment or

    reappointment of a pastor serving a Network Council level church.

    d. Act as the official board of all Network Council level churches in matters as described in the Network Policy and

    Procedure Manual.

    e. Assist as needed or requested by Network Leadership to arbitrate issues of confusion and or conflict in

    congregations of local churches within the region or as requested to assist in another region.

    f. Participate with church planting initiatives by providing advice and input on church plants in their region if that

    plant is not directly associated with a parent church (act as a coordinating agent if it is associated with a parent


    g. Act as an encourager, protector and supporter to any lead pastor planting a church in the region (daughter,

    satellite, Parent Affiliated Church, etc.)

    h. Assist as a key arbitrator and peacemaker in any case of concern between an existing church and a planter or a

    planting church initiating a work perceived as infringing on the work of an existing church.

    i. Maintain a predisposition for encouraging the establishment of new churches in the region and only resisting

    such plants for unequivocal Kingdom reasons.

    2. Local / Regional Level

    a. Partner with others and work personally to establish multiple new healthy AGK churches through various

    methods and models.

    b. Provide wise counsel, advice, ministry assistance and support to ministers and church boards as requested or

    required from local leadership or from (Network Council) network leadership directive.

    c. Provide relational supervision and support of pastors serving Network Council level churches through mentoring,

    coaching, consultation, instruction and as further delineated in the Network Policy and Procedure Manual.


  • Candidates for Regional Presbyter:

    • Are Ordained ministers with the AGK.

    • Are in “Active” ministry as identified on the annual renewal submitted to General Council.

    • Have current credentials with the AGK (renewed for the current year).

    • Have lived in Kansas and been credentialed with the AGK for at least one year. (The region they reside is the ONLY region they are eligible as a candidate. )

    • Have five years of Credentialed ministry experience.

    • A candidate must receive at least two nominating votes to become a “Nominee” for Regional Presbyter. Only confirmed Nominees will appear on the electoral ballot in a Council Business session.

      What is the voting process like at The Summit (for any elected official)?

      Though nomination processes vary by office - all electoral ballots in a Council session are cast by secret ballot.