1. A growth centered relationship that focuses on the coachee's (client) desire to move forward in areas where they currently experience fatigue / lack of clarity in creating next steps they deem important.
2. Experiencing a coach that will journey with you in pursuing important goals to you, the coachee.
3. All about the coachee's agenda.
4. Relationship-based, goal-driven, and coachee centered.
5. A support-structure for desired change. (Action Oriented)
6. Focusing forward, it's not about fixing the past.
7. Centered around the coachee's thoughts and ideas not what the coach thinks.
8. Healthy influence, never about authority or telling a coachee what to do.
9. Based on the internal motivation of the coachee.
10. Conversational. A coach will lean in and actively listen to the coachee, ask powerful questions, and help develop an action plan based on what the coachee wants to achieve.