Students pursuing credentials with the Assemblies of God must complete an internship for each level.

The AGKSOM internship strategy enables students to confirm God’s call, develop the Christ like character, gain the competencies of ethical and effective ministry and develop the personal disciplines essential to successful life and ministry. The strategy uses guided “hands on” ministry experiences, interaction with qualified pastors/mentors, reading and the exercise of personal spiritual disciplines to accomplish its mission.

Getting Started

  • Students must complete at least 3 AGKSOM courses for the appropriate level before registering.
  • Register online just like registering for a course and select “Internship.”  The fee for each level is the same as a regular course.
  • Submit the name of a desired mentor to the leadership of AGKSOM via email.  Mentors must hold A/G credentials one level above the one being pursued by the student.  Students should get approval from AGKSOM leadership before contacting a potential mentor.  See the internship packet for details.
  • Invite a Mentor and have them complete the “Mentor Covenant” and submit it to AGKSOM staff.
  • Each Internship takes a minimum of 3 months but most often takes up to 6 months to complete.  It must be complete in less than one year.

Students can view the internship requirements by downloading the Internship Strategy for their level.

Level 1 Internship
Beginning Ministerial

Level 2 Internship
Intermediate Ministerial

Level 3 Internship
Advanced Ministerial