March '24 edition
March '24 edition |
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Verifiably Alive!
Historically, the Church affirms on Easter Sunday - Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Without diligent attention, that affirmation will drift into tepid familiarity and a casual exclamation void of conviction, passion, and hope.
What God did when He raised Jesus from the dead deserves more than a yawn and a heavy-eyed nod of our head. He is not a dead, powerless Jesus worthy to lay beside stone idols. He is verifiably alive!
His resurrection sets His followers apart from every other grouping of religious people. The wild claim of resurrection smacks of falsification at worst, and fanaticism at best - except for the fact that it actually happened!
The resurrection occurred in real time! Real people (more than 500 at one teaching session) saw and experienced Jesus for 40 days after He vacated His borrowed sepulcher.
Real bondages have been broken and real lives have experienced transformation for two millennia due to the declaration and experience of His bodily resurrection. He triumphed over the grasping hands of the grave and that matters.
His empty tomb makes an unbreakable promise — “And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of His Spirit who lives in you” (Rom. 8:11).
May the promise and power of His empty tomb fuel our hearts with real-time experience and declaration: Christ the Lord is risen! He is risen indeed!
He is alive, and verifiably so!
Praying for a fruitful Resurrection Sunday across Kansas and around the world where our AGK family of Pentecostal leaders serve so faithfully.
Supt. Terry & Karen Yancey
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Treasured AGK Family & Friends,
Those accomplish the most that understand who they are. As we steward that which identifies us, we will HONOR the Kingdom purpose for which God designed us.
At Council 2024 we will revisit the characteristics that define us individually & collectively.
Please join us at Network Council as we reiterate
Pastors Terry & Karen Yancey
June 1, 1999 - May 31, 2024
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What is a “Presbyter” anyway?
We hear this word from year to year but perhaps you’ve wondered, “What does it really mean?”; “Presbyter” is a Greek term used to describe a Christian clergy that serves as an overseer. In the AGK our overseers are elected men and women who serve as a part of the Network Board of Directors. Though the responsibilities of a Regional Presbyter are widespread, there are a few key components that exemplify the nature of the role.
Presbyters must hold a credential level of Ordained, live in the region they will serve (and have done so for at least one year), and have held credentials (with any district) for at least five years. These eligible ministers serve in nearly every role of a local church and the perspective they can bring is invaluable!
The AGK Network Board serves at the side of the Superintendent to:
Advance the AGK purpose to strengthen and establish effective Pentecostal leaders and churches.
Advance the mission of the AGK to promulgate the full gospel message throughout Kansas, the region, and the world, and to conserve our work through elevating the health of established AGK churches and planting new ones until every county and public school district has a healthy AG witness.
Have general oversight of the activities of the Network between Council sessions (the ministry experience you attend through the year are approved by this team).
Serve as the Network Credentials Committee in the recommending of credentials, administering discipline, and reviewing applications for reinstatement and renewal of ministerial credentials.
Ratify the following:
The establishment of any or all departments or initiatives proposed by the Network Superintendent.
All department directors or ministry coordinators appointed by the Network Superintendent.
Assist Network Affiliated churches and leaders.
These responsibilities manifest through the efforts of each Presbyter to act as an encourager, protector, and supporter of various components of the Network. We are better together and value their advice, input, and heart to serve alongside the Superintendent and Executive Officers. Your help to nominate and elect from your peers is a prayerful privilege. We trust God to lead us, and we trust you to seek Him.
If you have not already, please remember to submit your presbyter nominations!
Candidates for Regional Presbyter:
-Are Ordained ministers with the AGK.
-Are in “Active” ministry as identified on the annual renewal submitted to General Council.
-Have current credentials with the AGK (renewed for the current year).
- Have lived in Kansas and been credentialed with the AGK for at least one year. (The region where they reside is the ONLY region where they are eligible as a candidate. )
-Have five years of Credentialed ministry experience.
Duties are outlined on pages 7-10 of the AGK Policy & Procedure Manual .
A candidate must receive at least two nominating votes to become a “Nominee” for Regional Presbyter. Only confirmed Nominees will appear on the electoral ballot in a Council Business session.
*To learn more information about the process of electing the new Superintendent please visit our website:
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The Assemblies of God World Missions sets a theme every year. The theme for 2024 is “Sent—All Peoples Everywhere.” The following is from regarding this year’s theme:
On the night of His resurrection, Jesus told His disciples, “As the Father has sent me, so send I you” (John 20:22). The Father sent the Son, the Father and the Son sent the Spirit, and Jesus sends His followers.
God has sent the whole Church into all the world with the whole gospel. He has called us to participate in His mission to proclaim the gospel to all peoples everywhere. While evangelizing our communities and winning people to Jesus, we cannot neglect those who have no access or limited access to the gospel.
The local church has an important role in fulfilling God’s mandate (Matthew 28:19-20). Each church must cultivate an atmosphere where God can speak, and each church must be willing to train, send, and support those whom God calls (Acts 13). Will you join with us in ensuring that all peoples everywhere hear the gospel?
Click here for Annual Theme Materials
Click here for Digital Theme Resources Download
The Assemblies of God of Kansas (AGK) hasn’t sent many missionaries to the mission field in the last few years. Yet, sending remains one of our top priorities. To make sending a reality we need your help. Pastors, please increase the intentionality and frequency of sharing, teaching, leading, and preaching about missions. The next great AG World Missionary could be sitting in your church waiting to answer the call. Will you provide a space for them to hear the calling of the Father to be sent?
The AGK wants to do all we can to help those called into missions to answer the call as well as equip them for their calling. If someone in your church/ministry feels called into World Missions have them contact my office or AGWM directly so we can help them answer the call.
Together we can increase the number of missionaries being sent and increase the number of people being reached with the gospel of Christ. With more than 40% of the world still lacking access to the gospel - it’s time for a new wave of AG Kansas women and men to “go into all the world.”
Andy Parks
AGK World Missions Director
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Spring Breakaway is an opportunity for students to get away for a few days to connect with God and with others. Students will be challenged to develop a deeper relationship with God and to wait on him through breakout sessions, services, and fun group activities. At KYM Spring Breakaway youth pastors and leaders will experience encouragement and receive resources from practical sessions and connection with other leaders.
Registration includes housing at Wheat State Retreat Center, five meals, and an event t-shirt.
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April 2024
in a location convenient to YOUR HOME
with people who do what YOU do
costs little to nothing but your time
expect to connect with your connection area presbyter regarding event specific details
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Creative Conference is a weekend of inspiration and development for students, led by professionals in various creative fields. Whether you are a student artist, musician, kid min volunteer, preacher, photographer, or theater enthusiast, you will benefit from attending Creative Conference! The first night you will experience the work of artists. The second day, those same artists will teach workshops on various topics in their discipline, thereby helping you refine your craft. God will use these two days to inspire and develop the students and leaders across Kansas.
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The 2024 Ministers' Tax Guide, authored by Dr. Richard Hammar (retired Legal Counsel for the General Council of the Assemblies of God), helps ministers prepare their 2023 returns, complete with step-by-step instructions and examples. It’s our privilege to connect you with this resource free of charge.
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The “LOCALLY WOVEN Tour” is a free event for any woman in Kansas to attend - any woman in ministry leadership and any woman in the churches or communities to whom you minister. We pray that each woman who attends will leave a little (or a lot) more encouraged, equipped, and empowered to link arms with others. Whether across the globe or down the street, in our homes or corporate workplaces, quietly in the back or up front on a stage, we are all women ministering to women.
This tour provides space for women to begin being woven together, not just at an event that occurs once a year but locally and throughout the year. LOCALLY WOVEN facilitates excellent opportunities for women to get to know other women and churches in the same area and hopefully continue that connection all year long. WOVEN Women's Ministries desires to help serve the local church as they minister to women, and this tour also provides a more direct line of contact between WOVEN and women on the local level to do just that.
Additionally, each tour stop will provide a time for women to hear from Coordinator Heidi Robidou about WOVEN Women's Ministries. (We are here to serve the church, as the church serves the individual.) You'll also hear more about THREADS, (the financial arm of WOVEN ) - what we have done, our goals, and what we hope to do. Mary Bell, with Girl's Ministry, will also share briefly at each location. This next generation of girls are the future women we will be ministering to and with, so let's start now.
Join us at the location near you for this intentionally comfortable and casual time to be LOCALLY WOVEN together!
Tour Dates and Locations:
NORTHEAST - April 2 - Lawrence @ 360 Church, 3200 Clinton Parkway
SOUTHEAST - April 9 - Chanute @ Living Word Assembly, 1000 West 14th Street
CENTRAL - April 16 - Wichita @ Iglesia Cristo Vive, 1620 West 21st Street
NORTHWEST - April 22 - Colby @ College Drive AG, 245 West College Drive
SOUTHWEST - April 23 - Liberal @ New Beginnings Church, 2021 North Western Avenue
*All locations start at 6:30pm Central Time