May '24 edition


May '24 edition |

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How did the Acts 15 People Answer?

{I pray these ideas and speculations encourage you.}

I have a hypothesis: many attenders walked the last few miles to Jerusalem feeling eager anticipation for that first great Council - as described in Acts 15.

Important matters awaited their personal, prayerful attention. Dedicated leaders would share God-given wisdom. They would all contribute to decisions - by Holy Spirit presence and leading - that would shape generations of believers and leaders.

Attending that Council required time and finances, but still, they came. Some who wanted to attend could not due to sickness or other circumstances. However, I imagine those who attended always looked back on that gathering with profound thankfulness.

As this AGK BLAST opens on your screen, we stand a few short days from the opening of our annual AGK gathering. If you’ve not yet decided to attend, I hope - in the same spirit of Acts 15 - to encourage your attendance.

Will YOU attend council?

I don’t mean to put an awkward point on this question, but you and I - as leaders - must articulate our answer to this important question. We owe it to ourselves and one another to think personally, theologically, and with missional clarity about this question.

As a credential holder, you and I represent an integral part of this “credentialed family.” We have colleagues attending that actually need us there to interact with them. How will you answer this question?

We know a special presence of the Spirit manifests among us when we gather (Matthew 18:10-20.) As we attend Council, we partake of that unique manifestation. What weight do we feel in our hearts and in our theology about pressing in or missing out on that unique Presence? I hope you feel encouraged to attend Council!

We have a generationally important superintendent election to conduct from a posture of prayerful sobriety and humility. We have presentations with potential to unleash fresh insights and synergy among every minister, ministry leader, credential holder, and missionary. Will you attend Council?

Again, I speculate, but I wonder if those who attended the Acts 15 Council carried a thankful, positive emotion through their life due to answering affirmatively this “Will I attend” question? I think the other question people asked who could not or did not attend the Acts 15 Council sounded more like a lament later in their lives:Why didn’t I attend that Council?

Karen and I eagerly anticipate connecting with God and you at our last Council to superintend. Let’s enjoy and celebrate Him moving among us and establishing our goings - at Council!

With deep gratitude, love, affection, and desire to see you at Council,

Supt. Terry L. & Karen Yancey

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  1. You were PRAYED for.

  2. YOU were PREPARED for.

  3. You will CONNECT, WORSHIP, & GROW with people who do what YOU do.

  4. You will be ENCOURAGED.

  5. Downloading the AGK App will give you all the details you need for Council! Including the schedule, a place for notes, and special announcements!

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This was the second year of the LOCALLY WOVEN Tour! The tour is made up of five stops across Kansas. Each stop allows women to get to know other women in the same part of the state in a more casual setting than at the annual women's conference. The evenings were filled with connections, laughter, and making a kingdom impact.

During each tour stop, AGK Women’s Ministries Coordinator Heidi Robidou shared “what" WOVEN Women's Ministries is. WOVEN desires to facilitate environments, opportunities, and tools that help support women as they come to know, believe, and live out who they are created to be and what they are created to do. We aim to equip and empower women to know who God is, walk freely in the identity they have in Jesus, and, as guided by the Holy Spirit, help others do the same. During the tour, Heidi Robidou shared how WOVEN went about providing those things in 2023.

Heidi also shared "why" WOVEN Women's Ministries exists. She spoke about how women can know who God is and who they are in Jesus, which equips them to minister to the people in their homes, churches, and communities. As followers of Jesus, we are on mission and doing the ministry of knowing Him and making Him known. Whether across the globe or down the street, in our homes or workplaces, quietly in the back or upfront on a stage, we are all women ministering to women. 

Mary Bell, Girls Ministry Coordinator, shared what it looks like to minister to girls and the importance of women mentoring the girls in their lives. Each stop also heard about Girls Camp coming up this summer and the COIN for KIDS project for 2024: THIS GIRL.

Additionally, each tour stop provided opportunities for women to hear about and give to THREADS. THREADS is the financial arm of WOVEN Women's Ministries and contributes to world missions, U.S. missions, Kansas-specific ministry efforts, and administrative needs. These four strands are WOVEN together to create a beautiful tapestry of women co-laboring for the Kingdom. Heidi celebrated THREADS contributions for 2023 and anticipated projects for 2024.

WOVEN is grateful for each church that hosted a stop of the LOCALLY WOVEN Tour, providing space for us to connect with women across the state. We look forward to the next opportunity for Kansas women to be together, our annual WOVEN Women's Ministries Conference on October 6th and 7th at Evangel in Wichita. Mark your calendar now for CAPTIVATED! Details are to be released this summer.

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“Be who you are … on purpose!”

Thoughts on PENTECOST SUNDAY – May 19, 2024

It was on this day—Pentecost Sunday—as recorded in the book of Acts, that the Holy Spirit was poured out on 120 followers of Christ who were gathered in an upper room in Jerusalem. It was on this day that the church was born in a “Blaze of Glory.”

Pentecost Sunday, May 19th, presents a great opportunity to preach a Holy Ghost - inspired, Spirit-filled sermon.

Let me assure you, there ARE “hungry hearts” sitting in YOUR pews.  NEVER underestimate what the Holy Spirit will do!

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8 NIV)

 PENTECOST represents:
·       the PROMISE - JESUS said he would send “the Gift”
·       the POWER - Ye shall receive Power
·       the PURPOSE - To be witnesses
·       the PROCLAMATION - Go tell everyone

How about it, pastors? Pentecost Sunday gives a wonderful opportunity to present these truths to your folks.  Last year at Faith & Family Worship Center we had 4 people receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday. Their lives have FOREVER been changed!

Pray much about that which you are going to present. Then invite His Presence, boldly proclaim His truths, and experience the Power as the Promise becomes a reality!

This is a “gift” that every believer needs. If you are a Pentecostal Pastor and you DON’T share these truths … you are cheating your folks out of a powerful experience that will empower and equip them for that which God has called them to do.


Pentecost is NOT a denomination—it is an experience every blood bought child of God should receive. Our hearts should be consistently hungry to experience the power of Pentecost, the Spirit of God in the fullness of His manifestation.

I received this precious gift 66 years ago at a “Christ’s Ambassadors” prayer meeting. I can’t imagine doing ministry without it. In essence, it would be like missing a portion of my body. The Holy Spirit provides the daily wisdom and discernment I need. I am proud to be a tongue talkin’, Spirit-filled child of God!! It has given me power to be who I am, ON PURPOSE! Thank you, JESUS!

Remember, these first disciples had the words of Jesus already; but the Word without the Spirit cannot accomplish the purposes of God, neither can the Spirit without the Word … WE NEED BOTH!

“If you have the Spirit without the Word you blow up, if you have the Word without the Spirit you dry up, if you have both the Word and the Spirit you grow up!“

“When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.” Acts 2: 1-4 (NIV)

May YOU be empowered on Pentecost Sunday to preach the WORD and experience the fullness of HIs SPIRIT!

Pastor Betty Dossey
Faith & Family Worship Center
Rose Hill, KS

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  • Girls Camp is an opportunity for girls of all ages to get away for a few days to connect with God and with others. Event activities include swimming, water sports, archery, knife and hawk throwing, worship, new friendships, crafts, games, and more! The theme for this year is “Declare HIS Glory.” Throughout the event we will dive into what Psalm 19:1 means and how we can apply it to our lives!

    Registration includes lodging and meals at Wheat State Retreat Center, an event t-shirt, and a water bottle. Girls Camp is open to girls in 1st-12th grade.

    DATE: May 29 - June 1

    COST: $175

  • Join us for the BEST week of the summer at Wheat State Retreat Center! Students will be challenged to grow in their relationship with God and will make life-long friendships with others through cabin devotions, evening worship services, and fun group activities. Come and see why we say a week of camp can change everything!

    June3-7- FULL
    June 10-14
    June 17-21

    Early Price: $240 until May 6th
    Standard Price: $260 after May 6th

  • We can’t wait for you to join us at Kids Camp this year! Kids can come have a blast this year with games, snacks, and time with their super team! They also will get deeper into God’s word, learning that God has more for them than they could ever even imagine. We can’t wait to see you at Kids Camp!

    Kids Camp 1 : June 23-26
    Kids Camp 2: June 26-29

    Early Registration: $190 until May 13 th
    Standard Registration: $210 after May 13th
    Registration Closes May 31

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Allow us to reintroduce Senior Adults Ministry as 50+ Adult Ministries! 50+ Adult Ministries brings clarity to this ministry area by clearly defining that it serves those who are 50 years old and up in the AGK. AGK Ministry Network is passionate about discipling every generation into the people God created them to be. Every follower of Jesus has a place in the work of the Kingdom of God.

We are also excited to announce that Steve Bowman is becoming our 50+ Adult Ministries Coordinator. Steve has faithfully served and will continue to serve as the AGK Ministry Network’s Light for the Lost Coordinator. He is passionate about serving the 50+ crowd in the AGK and desires to help them play an active role in what God is doing in the world today. We can’t wait to see what God does in this new season of this ministry!

Steve Bowman is a layman who has served in several network leadership positions over the last 50 years. In Kansas, he serves as the Light for the Lost Coordinator, Royal Ranger Alumni Coordinator, and on the Men’s Lead Team. Prior to moving to Kansas he served in similar roles in Nebraska and currently serves on several national AG boards. Steve has served in a number of roles in the local church throughout the years. In the Community, he coordinates volunteers with Kansas Honor Flight. He retired from Kroger Dillon’s Corporate Office after 44 years.

He is a Vietnam Navy Veteran and accepted the Lord off the coast of Vietnam, baptized in a Philippine bay by a missionary, and filled with the Spirit at a Chinese English prayer meeting on Victory Peak in Hong Kong.

Steve and his wife Sylvia have four children and seven grandchildren.

Reminder: Register now for the National Senior Adult Conference happening September 4-6, 2024, in Branson, MO. CLICK HERE for more information.


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Creative Conference is moving to September! Proximity to Spring Breakaway and Camp made attendance difficult, so we have rescheduled Creative Conference to September 6th-7th. We are so excited about this event and hope you'll consider joining us in the fall to learn more about how God designed us to use our talents creatively for his glory! This event is open to students, adults, and youth pastors/leaders. Breakout session topics include music, photography/film, children's ministry, preaching, and visual art/graphic design.

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Utilizing Instagram can play a pivotal role in enhancing online presence and fostering a sense of community as you start to scale relationships across your community. Instagram offers churches a powerful platform to engage with their community and reach new audiences. Click here for more information

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In this video series featuring John Mark Comer, explore four spiritual practices of Jesus and his early followers. Deepen your connection with God and grow in your spiritual journey by engaging in the practices of prayer, fasting, solitude, and sabbath.
The Prayer Practice
The Fasting Practice
The Solitude Practice
The Sabbath Practice

This Series:

Also, if you’re looking for a new Bible study curriculum plan, we’re here to help. We’ve designed year-long roadmaps for adult small groups, men’s groups, women’s groups, and youth groups.

All Series:

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