
Our Dear AGK Family,

As COVID-19 continues to press, stretch, and sometimes distress all of us, the dependability of Jesus continues to provide all the stability necessary to carry on Kingdom work. Sometimes we must modify or delay the work. Occasionally, we must cancel the work. However, we know we will outlast this season and ultimately gain more ground for the Kingdom of God. 

I write today informing you of another cancelation. The AGK Board met Sunday at 5:30 to discuss the statewide outlook, possible options for a “one-day” Council, or to simply proceed with the three-day event. During our discussion, we saw with clarity that canceling Council 2020 made the most sense. It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us. We feel the disappointment and grief of this cancelation. We wanted to gather, enjoy unhindered fellowship, eat meals together, have communion, lay hands on ordination candidates… We didn’t WANT to cancel. Nevertheless, it seems like wisdom to us, considering the current conditions, restrictions, and ongoing fluctuations by the government around the spread of COVID-19.   

We get it. COVID-19 seems almost “non-existent” in some parts of Kansas. In other locales, COVID-19 remains very active and has regained upward momentum. None of us LIKE this situation but as followers of Jesus and those that honor the scripture, we will endure it and will gladly abide by the restrictions imposed. To do less will potentially compromise our testimony for Jesus. 

This cancellation means the Board will continue functioning in its current configuration. Those scheduled to have cycled OFF will remain in place until a successor qualifies next May 3 - 5 when we convene Council 2021. The office of superintendent will receive your electoral attention next May as well. (For anyone curious about it, Kansas corporation law supports our “out of compliance” action under Statute 17-6010 – “Emergency bylaws and exercise of other powers during emergency.”) Once we have opportunity to vote on these posts, we will reduce those particular terms by the “extra” year already served. 

What about those already registered for Council 2020? You have these options

  1. Leave your funds with us to cover registration for Council 2021.

  2. Tell us you want your 2020 registration to count as an offering toward expenses of Council 2021. Email your direction to Charity@agkansas.com  

  3. You may request a full refund by emailing Charity@agkansas.com

Karen and I feel a deep stab of grief each time we acknowledge this cancelation. We miss the spiritual uplift, teaching, encouragement, fellowship, and laughter Council provides. Nevertheless, we will get through this pandemic by leaning on the strong, dependable arm of the Lord, praying in the Spirit, and remaining focused on the mission of our King. 

Ultimately, by His Spirit and grace, we will make Kansas one of the easiest places in the world for people to experience the presence and forgiveness of Jesus. 

Pastor Terry & Karen Yancey
AGK Network Board