To our AGK Family of credential holders:
This Network has known since late July that Karen and I sense the Lord saying He has a new assignment for us and that we need to finish this term and transition from this role.
Some may see a 10-month transition track as too long. However, we believe every day needs to count as we undertake multiple administrative steps to prepare the AGK Office and Network for new leadership. Karen, functioning in one of her spiritual gifts – administration – has masterfully helped us craft a multi-dimensional plan. By April 15, we will complete the work with our teams to: update the facilities, clarify every job description, review every system and policy, and revamp or discard whatever wisdom dictates we should discard. These hours, days, weeks, and months of diligent review and updating will enable a smoother hand off to the superintendent you elect on Tuesday, May 7 during our annual Network Council.
We also hope this “long” transition notice enables you to earnestly pray and listen for clear direction from the Spirit of Jesus about selecting the next superintendent. This election deserves and requires joyful solemnity and prayerful thoughtfulness. Karen and I pray almost daily during our devotion time as a couple, and separately as well, for the Lord to speak to our hearts and guide our nomination choice – personally and corporately. We do not accommodate conversations about who we think, or who we want this Network to elect. We continue urging – even with this sentence – every AGK credentialed minister and local church to fast, pray, and listen to the whispers of the Lord. This network belongs to Him. HE has a plan. HE will reveal that plan to those who seek after His voice.
Karen and I extend to you our love and pray you have an unusually joyful New Year!
Honored to serve Him together with you,
Pastor Terry & Karen