



Devo with

Pastor nathan

Obedience is the key to unlocking God’s power in your life, assignment, and world.
— Superintendent Nathan L. Sheridan

obedience is key

John 2:1-10 

 In John 2:1-10, we see the first miracle of Jesus—turning water into wine at a wedding in Cana. Mary’s words to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it” (v. 5), provide a powerful truth for us today: obedience unlocks God’s blessings and miraculous provision. 

 There have been moments in my life when the impressions I received from the Holy Spirit didn’t make sense. At times, God has asked me to do things that felt crazy or uncomfortable. But in every instance, obedience has been the key to experiencing His blessing. The Lord often works beyond what we can see or understand, and it is in those moments of faith-driven obedience that His power is revealed. 

  • … not only to individuals but also to movements like the Assemblies of God. Since its founding in 1914, the Assemblies of God has sent out more than 4,000 missionaries worldwide. That incredible impact is rooted in a heart of obedience to the Great Commission. Here in Kansas, our network has a rich history of prioritizing missions, but we must remain vigilant. Without intentionality, a maintenance mindset can creep in, distracting us from advancing the Kingdom. Programs, worship, and discipleship can lose their transformative power if we let them become routine instead of catalysts for life change. 

     As we begin this new year, I want to encourage you to ask: What in your life or church needs fresh faith? Too often, we hear stories of what God did years ago, but our relationship with Him becomes stale. Let’s not settle for being spiritual fossils—people who live only in the past. Instead, let’s cultivate a fresh, vibrant walk with Christ, seeking to hear His voice daily. 

     I’ll never forget a call I received from a pastor friend in Garden City. It was before 5 a.m., and he told me God had given him a word for me. Though I was groggy, I met him at IHOP, and for 45 minutes, he shared what God had placed on his heart. One thing that stuck with me was his challenge to hear from heaven daily—through God’s Word and the Holy Spirit. That morning reminded me of the power of obedience, even in the small, simple things. 

     There are still billions of people in our world who don’t know Jesus. Without Him, they face an eternity separated from God. That’s why we plant churches and prioritize missions. Jesus has always prioritized the lost. He challenges us to take steps of faith, whether that’s giving an altar call, having a conversation, or praying for our children to hear His call to ministry. 

     Doug Clay, our General Superintendent, said it well: “In ministry, we always want to start with our baskets full and then have them end up empty. But in Kingdom work, Jesus wants us to start out with empty baskets and end up full.” The miracle at Cana shows us that provision for the mission is within reach—if we obey His voice. 

     Let me encourage you today: whatever He says to you, do it. Obedience is the key to unlocking God’s power in your life, assignment, and world.  

     Maybe God is calling you to take a step of obedience. Perhaps that means taking an AGKSOM class to deepen your understanding of Scripture and leadership, serving in a new area of your church, going on a missions trip, or even answering the call to ministry beyond your current assignment. Hear His voice and step out in faith. There is no limit to what God can do through your obedience. 

    Leaning In,

    Supt. Nathan L Sheridan



We all engage in multiple home-front ministries; the ministry to OUR FAMILY units, to our local churches or MISSION fields, and to a larger collective effort to “Strengthen & Establish” the AGK. What could they each look like if all SONS & DAUGHTERS CALLED to Kansas set aside time to experience the tangible anointing of unified gatherings? God has DESIGNED each of US TO till the land where He has placed our feet, plant seeds, and TAKE deep ROOT. He has called us TOGETHER TO claim the ground, call forth growth, and DECLARE the fields ripe for HARVEST, beginning around our kitchen tables. PASTORS, LEADERS, AND NEXTGEN STUDENTS of all ages, pull up a chair. It is TIME TO declare a place at the table for every generation and RAISE UP our FUTURE, today.






The AGK Pray event in Goddard reminded me of prayer's positive impact on our lives and communities. I feel incredibly grateful to everyone who came together with us. Hearing the inspiring stories of intentional prayer gatherings across the AGK family—whether they lasted a week or even 21 days—fills my heart with anticipation and excitement for what’s to come!  

During this time together, we focused on the Lord’s Prayer, reflecting on its meaning and applying it to our lives. We also received Communion, a beautiful reminder of Christ’s love, grace, and sacrifice, and prayed for one another’s needs. 

Our prayers also focused on the next generation. As leaders and believers, we are responsible for investing in our…

pray, agk. recap

  • … our time, resources, and prayers. God has called us to raise sons and daughters who will go beyond where we’ve been, ushering in renewal and revival. Students are hungry for a deeper connection with God, and it’s our responsibility to nurture that desire. 

    As we enter a new year, let’s remember that while prayers may not always be answered immediately, they are always heard. Be encouraged that God is moving and desires to meet us in prayer. Jesus taught that prayer should be at the heart of the church, and together, we can seek His presence and trust in His timing. 

    May we all continue to commit to prayer, invest in the next generation, and walk in faith for what God is doing in our lives and communities. 


Project Rescue is an incredible organization that works to free sexually exploited women and children from all over the world. In the past 27 years, Project Rescue has impacted more than 680,000 lives through their multi—layered discipleship efforts. It has brought hope to 38 cities, 16 countries, and 5 continents.

Will you join the second annual AGK Rescue Day happening March 2nd, 2025? The website has all the materials you need to make this an effective ministry day.

Thank you for partnering with us in this meaningful endeavor.

Camp Reservations

Camp season is just around the corner!

This year in preparation for all summer camps, we are using a reservation system to reserve spots for each of your groups. This process went live on Saturday February 1, at 9:00 am. You now have the ability to hold spots for your students & coaches.

We kindly require ALL groups to reserve spots for your students and coaches to ensure we can fit your group into the same week.  You will not have the ability to register any students or leaders without first reserving spots for them.

Within each reservation (kids and youth), we ask that you click the ticket type for that specific week of camp you’d like to attend and reserve the number of spots needed. We will then send you an email link for your campers and coaches to register! 

You have until April 14th to fill your spots.

After April 14th any unused spots become available to any group to lock in. Students can still be added to your group as space allows until camp registration closes on May 5th. 

If you have any questions, please email us at!

KYM Tour Recap

Kansas Youth Ministry is celebrating the beginning of 2025 and a successful KYM Tour across the state. We had 3 stops from Garden City to Paola that concluded at Valley Center. This was a great opportunity for our students to intentionally seek God through passionate worship and powerful times at the altar. Each of our locations led by great leaders created a great atmosphere for energy, excitement and community. This was a great way to kick start our KYM season of equipping and empowering our NextGen to passionately pursue the call of God on their lives. We want to thank our KYM leadership team for leading and coordinating this successful ministry opportunity.


women in ministry breakaway

If you’re a woman in ministry looking for a weekend to wear ONLY one hat, where YOU get to receive, refresh,be renewed by the power of the Spirit, and have community with people who get what you do THIS IS FOR YOU!

+More Articles


We love our KS PKs! PK Retreat is a FREE event, provided by the AGK Superintendent and Board, to bless the children of credentialed ministers who are in grades 6-12. It runs in conjunction with WIMB (Women in Ministry Breakaway). Through fun activities, times of connection, and special services, we get to encourage our PKs to know that God loves them and has chosen them to serve others alongside their parents. This special event will be hosted by T.R. Stewart and Jerod Smith. Registration will be available soon. We hope to see your PK there!








How God Radically
Transforms People, Churches,
and Organizations From
the Inside Out

A recent email headline trumpeted Barna’s latest finding: Only 20% of U.S. adults identify as practicing Christians—only 20%! A day later, Grey Matter Research and Infinity Concepts reported that 31% of Evangelicals did not make any charitable contributions last year—3 out of 10 gave nothing to their church or to any other charitable organization. These two troubling headlines validate the concerns of those who warn us of an American church in significant decline.

Presbyter Book Review

  • … Alan Hirsch and Rob Kelly have written Metanoia: How God Radically Transforms People, Churches, and Organizations From the Inside Out. The book is dense, somewhat technical, and not a particularly easy read—but worth the journey for the reader convinced that only a thriving church can effectively deliver Jesus to a broken world.

    Hirsch and Kelly begin by inviting the reader to broaden his or her understanding of the Greek word metanoia. Typically translated “repent,” the word stands at the forefront of Jesus’ singular ministry challenge, “Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand” (e.g., Matt 3:2, 4:17, Mark 1:15). However, the authors quote Richard Niebuhr in arguing that our common understanding of the word is inadequate. “The Christian responsibility to repent demands more than simply expressing feelings of regret for moral wrong-doing and a vague desire for reform. … it involves the recognition and rejection of various false frameworks for understanding the world itself.”

    Metanoia, then, invites us to an essential and complete reframing of our understanding of the world— a personal transformation that reorders everything, including the organizations we lead. Without metanoia, the authors warn, we confine God to the limits of our understanding and love our organizations, systems, and methods to the point of idolatry. But the metanoic process, rather than “fighting to perpetuate the current state of affairs,” enables us to “redraw the maps to fit new territories,” and to “[carry] the gospel boldly into every context and every question.”

    Of course, a full-orbed dismissal of what we thought we knew and a corresponding embrace of what it means to know “the mind of Christ” (1 Cor 2:16) is a challenging process. Hirsh and Kelly argue that the mind, the soul, and the will must all be brought into alignment if the whole heart is to be transformed—and that this is true not just of individuals but of the organizations we lead, as well. While no one would argue that an organization has a mind, soul, or will in the human sense, organizations certainly have ways of thinking, passions that drive them, and decisions that shape them. Just like us, the organizations we lead require a transformative process in order to halt our decline and reinvigorate our effectiveness.

    Hirsch and Kelly dedicate a good portion of Metanoia to articulating multiple steps in that process. Significantly, the authors argue that the first half of the process—unlearning—is as important as the learning required in the second half. “In the Biblical way of metanoia,” they write, “the shortest way to the next mountain peak is down through the valley.” The “unlearning downcurve” involves four stages: Unravel, Uncover, Unlock, and Understand. At the bottom of the “Metanoia Journey” comes an “aha” moment that provides the foundation for moving forward and upward— “…the beginning of perceptions to come rather than the extension of perceptions gone by” (Abraham Heschel).

    The upward journey involves discovering a new paradigm, building a new platform, and embracing new practices. For the organization, the paradigm corresponds to the mind and becomes the mental map by which the newly understood world is navigated. The platform (a combination of culture and structure) corresponds to the soul, shaping the ethos of the organization in ways that drive it forward. And the practices shape the will of the organization, identifying and reinforcing the kinds of actions that move the organization toward the accomplishment of its purpose. In the end, transformed individuals know the collective joy of doing the will of God together.

    In short, Metanoia is a challenging read, with a depth of theory and level of detail that will require time to process. That said, this season in the life of the church demands we challenge the status quo and embrace with fresh enthusiasm the process of repentance and renewal Jesus constantly invites us into. If you’re willing to unlearn what you might now be sure of in order to learn what Jesus wants to teach you next, Metanoia might just be the catalyst you need.


    Hirsch, Alan and Kelly, Rob. Metanoia: How God Radically Transforms People, Churches, and Organizations From the Inside Out. Cody, WY: 100 Movements Publishing, 2023.

    Kent Duncan
    AGK Secretary-Treasurer

AG Chaplaincy Training

Over the past five years I have served as Chaplain of the McPherson Fire Department. In that time, I have witnessed the trauma that is inflicted on the minds of our first responders on a daily basis and have found that I am lacking in the tools necessary to provide the best help possible. One of a pastor’s or chaplain’s most common occurrence is ministry to those who have experienced a crisis. Having basic Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) training provides tools for ministers who find themselves in this type of ministry. The International Critical Incident Stress Foundation’s basic CISM courses: “Assisting Individuals in Crisis” and “Group Crisis Intervention” are essential for ministry in all types of crisis situations. I invite you to join me for this 3 day certification course that will equip us with the tools needed to provide a valuable service for those who have experienced trauma and crisis during their time of need.

Woven Tour

The “LOCALLY WOVEN Tour” is a free event for any woman in Kansas to attend - any woman in ministry leadership and any woman in the churches or communities to whom you minister. We pray that each woman who attends will leave a little (or a lot) more encouraged, equipped, and empowered to link arms with others. Whether across the globe or down the street, in our homes or corporate workplaces, quietly in the back or up front on a stage, we are all women ministering to women.

  • This tour provides space for women to be woven together, not just at an event that occurs once a year but locally and throughout the year. LOCALLY WOVEN facilitates excellent opportunities for women to get to know other women and churches in the same area and hopefully continue that connection all year long. WOVEN Women's Ministries desires to help serve the local church as they minister to women, and this tour also provides a more direct line of contact between WOVEN and women on the local level to do just that.

    Join us at the location near you for this intentionally comfortable and casual time to be LOCALLY WOVEN together!

    • NORTHEAST - April 1 - Paola  @ Cross Point Church

    • SOUTHEAST - April 8 - Oswego  @ Oswego AG

    • CENTRAL - April 15 - Hutchinson @ Hope Church

    • SOUTHWEST - April 28 - Hugoton @ Hugoton AG

    • NORTHWEST - April 29 - Tribune @ Tribune AG

50+ TOUR

We can’t wait to see you at the 50+ Tour! Come be a part of worship, fellowship, and connection with others. Join us at any of the three locations this year.

  • March 15 | McPherson

  • March 29 | Chanute

  • April 5 | Dodge City


Light for the Lost Tour is coming up soon! Come be a part of one of our seven LFTL tour stops, where you can enjoy a nice meal, benefit from great fellowship, and hear from remarkable speakers about what God is doing through the efforts of LFTL.

Tickets are $10 per person. We can’t wait to see you there!

    • March 23 | Oswego

    • March 23 | Lawrence

    • March 24 | Osborne

    • March 24 | Pratt

    • March 25 | Valley Center

    • March 25 | Garden City

    • Winfield | March 27


2024 was an amazing year for Wheat State! Serving over 65 different groups or events as well as hosting several ministers, missionaries, and AGKSOM students; the ministry of Wheat State is going strong!

This year, Wheat State is looking to expand and enhance some meeting spaces, as well as open more breakout areas, to facilitate multiple group hosting opportunities.

We’re excited to host your work team or facilitate a complete project from start to finish. If you’re interested in helping or leading a team, please reach out to Travis Dumond!


We are thrilled to announce that our AIM trip this summer is officially full! We have 20 students and leaders who will be traveling to Honduras to work with the Conrady family this summer.

Please continue to pray for our AIM trip headed to Honduras this summer.


  • Children’s ministry outreach programs.

  • Painting and light construction projects at a local church camp.

  • Sharing testimonies in church settings and public community settings.

2025 & 2026 calendarS